# static-prop

revalidate prop literal

Fancy, but carved in stone: https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-brick-concrete-wall-eWGE33JU5Ko

You want to configure a single page of yours to use time-based Incremental Static Regeneration? Sure thing, just define how often you’d like your new page to be regenerated:

export const revalidate = 3600 // invalidate every hour

You want it every day, but you dislike how 86400 would look like as value? Three days (259200)? 604800 doesn’t ring a bell? Okay, how about this:

export const revalidate = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // a week in seconds

Well, well, come on, don’t be greedy! That is too much! From the Route Segment Config’s doc about the revalidate prop:

The revalidate value needs to be statically analyzable. For example revalidate = 600 is valid, but revalidate = 60 * 10 is not.

At this point I literally started wondering who’s developing this framework and what their problem is! It took me a good few hours to get to the docs.

And it sounds like someone is scraping the code as text and then figuring out what he value is. I get it - there are multiple environments this can run in, and sometimes compiling the code would require more time and resources. But that’s withing the App Router! How hard would it be to have page.config.ts along your page.ts file?! Why on earth would someone do such a thing?

Some pieces of this software are incredible and powerful. Others feel wrong on so many levels it’s amazingly hard to describe. And it’s just sad.