# catch-all-segments

Return an Array in generateStaticParams

Collection: https://unsplash.com/photos/selective-focus-photo-of-black-and-brown-ball-peen-hammers-PtgLGdMzi-Y

When you’re using the Catch-all Segments feature, you must return an array of params in generateStaticParams, even though it should always contain a single entry.

And it kinda makes sense if you really think about it:

Route: pages/shop/[...slug].js

URL: /shop/a
Params: { slug: ['a'] }

URL: /shop/a/b/c
Params: { slug: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }

In this case, slug is an array, as it might contain multiple URL segments. But when using generateStaticParams, you are basically generating params for every single page.

And yet, instead of items.map((item) => ({ slug: item.slug })) you’d go for items.map((item) => ({ slug: [item.slug] })), so it goes with the catch-all paradigm of “might be more than one”. Another case where things mix up too much. I guess better documentation might help.